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From Silent Films to Blockbusters: 100 Years of Ogden's Egyptian Theater
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Harman and Louis Peery, owners of the theater
Exterior of the theater, circa 1920s
Usherettes with Harmon Peery
Group of women outside the theater, 1937
The theater at night with the marquee lit up, 1945
Kids lined up for the morning cartoon, 1945
Clean Up, Paint Up Ogden, 1946
Members of Weber College Otyokwa Sorority show the fold-out candy stand, 1947
Erva Kunzler and her husband, Floyd, 1947
Opening Day of the Egg and I, 1947
Usherette Jeanette Richards showed Nona Todd the new theater seats, 1948
Audience members participating in events at the theater, 1950s
Snack bar, 1950
Simplex 35MM projectors, 1951
Lauraine Folkman and Len Tillotson examined local products on display, 1953
Girls who won the annual bike from KLO, 1960s
Van Summerill working the ticket stand, 1965
Exterior of the theater, 1974
Snack bar, 1979
People painting exterior of theater, 1990s
Theater during the renovation, 1990s
Theater after renovations, 1990s
People painting exterior of theater, 1990s
People celebrating the grand opening of the newly renovated theater, 1997
Interior of the theater, 1990s
Gaelic Storm, 1999