Mt. Ogden 100 years
Item set
Hiking program Hikers listening to program at the saddle of Mt. Ogden
Mt. Ogden peak with hikers Hikers with Mt. Ogden peak in the background
Ruth Orton and hikers Hikers and Ruth Orton (center), atop Mt. Ogden
Registration Registration station for Mt. Ogden hike
Registration Registration station for Mt. Ogden hike
Russell Croft Russell Croft standing on Mt. Ogden
View from Mt. Ogden View across the valley from Mt. Ogden
Mt. Ogden peak Picture of Mt. Ogden
Forest Service expedition Forest Service ranger Preston Jackson (left), Dean Hurst (center), and Russell Croft (right) holding remnants of concrete from flag pole support from 1922.
Dean Hurst and Russell Croft Dean Hurst and Russell Croft with section of flagpole
Flaming W bonfire Student standing around flaming W bonfire
Bonfire celebration Student performing at bonfire celebration
Bonfire Flaming W Bonfire
Electric W Electric Flaming W, photo by WSU marketing department, 2006
Electric W Crew preparing the electric flaming W
Lind Dr. John Lind pointed out to the distance on Mt. Ogden hike
1923 hikers Hikers of 1923 Mt. Ogden expedition
1923 hike Student atop a snowy Mt. Ogden
Students at Mt. Ogden hike Students resting on hike
President Aaron Tracy Picture of David O. McKay (center) and Aaron W. Tracy (right) and others on 1922 Mt. Ogden hike
1922 Mt. Ogden Hike Picture from original 1922 Mt. Ogden hike
Flagpole Segment Segment of the original flagpole from 1922