Women of Weber
Item set
- James 5
- James 4
- James 3
- James 2
- James 1
- Ortega 6
- Ortega 5
- Ortega 4
- Ortega 3
- Ortega 2
- Ortega 1
- women collage
- Feature Wall Brown
- Feature Wall Yang
- Feature Wall Millner
- Feature Wall Walker
- Feature Wall Stewart
- Hallway
- Feature Wall Oda
Oda 5 Linda Oda speaking in the Stewart Library
Oda 4 Otyokwa sorority group picture, Linda is third from the right in the back row
Oda 3 Linda Kunie Inouye Student portrait
Oda 2 Linda Oda portrait
Oda 1 “Mrs. Stephen Oda (left) and Mrs. David Barnett (right), dressed in authentic oriental costumes explains the dress of some Japanese dolls to Debbie Bia and Esther Brooks (center), students at the Dee School. Mrs. Oda and Mrs. Barnett are teachers at the school who are helping with a ‘getting to know you’ program.”
Brown 5 Melinda (Roylance), Lori Brown, and Stephanie Jorgensen at the Student Leaders reunion at the Alumni Center